Your financial success starts with you at the core. At Congruent Strategies, you are more than a number. You are a person with beliefs that enable, or even limit, your success – daily. Fiscal, Career, and Life Coaching from the Congruent Team, is a key to effectively attaining your goals while teaching you to recognize limiting behavioral factors that impact your career, finances, and the ability to reach your life’s goals. Contact the team at Congruent Strategies and learn how "Coaching" is an integral component to your congruent and wholistic strategy. (303) 747-3860 Schedule a Free Consult

Enjoying retirement as you dreamed requires advance planning. Enjoy a brighter future and less stress today by getting congruent in the many branches of your financial life, with financial, retirement and estate planning.
Contact the team at Congruent Strategies and learn how “Planning” is an integral component to your congruent and wholistic strategy. (303) 747-3860
Schedule a Free Consult

You focus on your business operations. Let Congruent Strategies guide you and your staff on the equally important aspect of bookkeeping, accounting, and financial measurements. Our team consist of highly qualified experts in Accountancy and Taxation.
Contact the team at Congruent Strategies and learn how “Accounting” is an integral component to your congruent and wholistic strategy. (303) 747-3860
Schedule a Free Consult

Maintaining congruency in your life’s financial picture requires a delicate balance with the U.S. Tax Code and applicable taxing jurisdictions on the state and local levels. Our team of highly qualified experts have and currently consult with owners of “Mom and Pop” businesses all the way up to executives of Fortune 500 firms. You reap the benefit of having experienced tax experts on your side.
Contact the team at Congruent Strategies and learn how “Tax” is an integral component to your congruent and wholistic strategy. (303) 747-3860
Schedule a Free Consult

Protect the things in life that are important to you. Asset protection is more than insurance your home or automobile. It should be about protecting your family and business and the assets of each, in a way that in the event of an accident, incident, or catastrophic event, your assets do not leave you.
The Congruent Strategies’ team of experts will design more than just an umbrella. They will design and implement a circle of protection and around those things that you care about most – family, business and everything in between.
Contact the team at Congruent Strategies and learn how “Insurance” is an integral component to your congruent and wholistic strategy. (303) 747-3860
Schedule a Free Consult

Do you wear the same size shoes as your friends? Do you drive the same brand of automobile as your neighbor? Why would you invest in the same traditional “cookie-cutter” ways that “everyone else does”?
The experts at Congruent Strategies will design your unique financial investment strategy that will combine all the congruent and wholistic components of YOUR life plan. Because, in YOUR financial life, it should be from what YOUR unique goals and values are.
Contact the team at Congruent Strategies and learn how “Investment” is an integral component to your congruent and wholistic strategy. (303) 747-3860 Schedule a Free Consult
Expert services for every branch of your financial life.